Traditional Braces

Don’t panic- although they are known as traditional braces, today’s braces are a far cry from the big thick mouthfuls of metal that people used to have!

Modern slimline metal braces consist of brackets that are attached to the front of the teeth, and bands/wires that are passed through them and tightened, applying a gentle, gradual tension to coax teeth into place.

Brace materials are far more light, thin and comfortable than they were years ago, and there are options for children and teens that include coloured braces and bands, which have become cool and make kids less self-conscious about wearing them.

Depending on your particular case, you’ll see your Orthodontist regularly to have the braces adjusted, and treatment can last for 18-22 months but will vary by individual and age.

It’s never too late to get orthodontic treatment to correct your smile and your bite, so the best thing to do next is to chat with one of our Orthodontists to see what your choices are; how long treatment might take, and the results you could expect.

Just give us a call on 021 432 0004 and we’ll take it from there.

Free braces info pack

Download a free information pack

A 33 page report full of the most useful information, ideal if you’re thinking about having braces
The costs and lowest price alternatives
Your options and choices for treatment
Are you suitable for treatment?
How does Invisalign compare to the other brace systems?
How long does treatment take?
Plus lots more…
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