Lingual Braces
Lingual refers to the tongue, as these braces are essentially similar to traditional braces but are attached on the inside of the teeth on the tongue side.
Lingual braces are trickier to place; can be hard to get used to and clean, and are pricier than regular braces – but they are invisible from the outside if you don’t want people to know you’re wearing braces at all.
They’re not suitable for every case and it depends on the degree of adjustment your need for your teeth, so your Orthodontist will go through your choices.
It’s never too late to get orthodontic treatment to correct your smile and your bite, so the best thing to do next is to chat with one of our Orthodontists to see what your choices are; how long treatment might take, and the results you could expect.
Just give us a call on 021 432 0004 and we’ll take it from there.