Everyone wants to look their very best on their big day, and your smile will be immortalised forever in photographs of the happy occasion. At Smile Store – The Dental Specialist, we offer several dental treatments to enhance your smile. Suitable for bride, groom and anyone who wants a flawless, radiant smile on the

Wedding Day and beyond, we offer:

  • Tooth Whitening
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Filling replacements
  • Crowns
  • Scale and Polish
  • Dental implants/bridges/dentures

ZOOM Whitening System

If you’re a suitable candidate for whitening, we use the ZOOM whitening system here at Smile Store. Your dental professional will use this effective gel (containing a sufficient concentration of hydrogen peroxide up to 6%) to whiten your teeth, either in an in-house treatment, or you may use the home whitening kits dispensed with a prescription from and under the supervision of your dentist.

Impressions will be taken of your teeth so that a moulded tray that exactly fits the various nooks and crannies of your teeth is used. Once the tray has been made, the tooth whitening product is added into the tray, which slots perfectly into your mouth without allowing the product to touch sensitive gums or mucous membranes in the mouth.


If you’re hiding your teeth, smiling tightly or closing your mouth in photographs because they are discoloured or misshapen, Smile Store – The Dental Specialist have a fantastic solution for you. Porcelain veneers are very thin shells of medical-grade ceramic that are attached to the front surfaces of teeth for an immediate smile transformation. Individually crafted for each patient, these cosmetic enhancements are made from advanced material that closely resembles the appearance of natural dental enamel. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their colour, shape, size, or length. We use porcelain veneers as they resist staining an mimic the natural light reflecting properties of natural teeth.

Filling Replacement

If you have silver (amalgam) fillings, we can replace them with tooth-coloured fillings, to have a more attractive, natural smile and to avoid health risks associated with amalgam fillings.


If you have a missing or discoloured tooth, and are self-conscious about your smile we can custom-make a crown/crowns for you. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap”; an artificial restoration that is placed over a damaged tooth to improve the appearance and restore its shape, size and strength.

Scale and Polish

A simple scale and polish is a professional dental tooth cleaning. Your dentist will use specialised tools to remove tartar and build-up from your teeth, and then will polish them using a very fine, gentle abrasive to bring up the natural shine and colour of the teeth.

Dental Implants, bridges and dentures

All of these dental treatments can be performed if you visit Smile Store well in advance of your wedding; dental implants are a two-step process and need about 6 months for the initial stage of fitting a titanium post into the jaw; then healing. After the implant has fused to your own jaw and the gum has healed, you have the option of placing crowns, bridges or dentures atop the implant (s).

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